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Blue Mesh, Long & Wide Roll-a-Cot®LW, 79"x32"x15"

  • £129.00

The 79"Long x 32"wide x 15"high Roll-a-Cot®LW:

This 79" length is great for taller people or people who want a comfy pillow.  We added the 79" length to our line-up about 4 years ago and now it is becoming one of our most popular Roll-a-Cot® lengths.  Make sure your tent is big enough by measuring across the tent or canopy at 15" above the floor.

This 32" width is great for taller people and its 4" of extra width helps you sleep in a curled position for warmth.

This 15" height is a good compromise for people and tents; high enough for easy egress, but not too high for most tents .  If you must add 3" more height to your cot, email  We have a couple options for your consideration. 

Roll-a-Cot® LW is made with our unique "1000 denier" blue-mesh fabric for its fast drying characteristics that river-runners want and need.  In addition our blue mesh fabric has less stretch than other cot materials because there are 2X warp yarns and 1X weft yarns.  Its the 2X warp yarns that are used to support the user from "rail to rail".  Stretch is further reduced because the 1X weft yarns require only half the number of "up-down" strokes when warp-yarn is being weaved around weft-yarn on the loom.  This results in a firmer sleeping surface as the warp yarn supports the user from cot-rail to cot-rail.  

This LW79" cot includes a carry-pouch that doubles as a convenient hang-pouch on the cot's rails for organizing night-time gear like flashlight, maps and water bottles.


  • No End Bars to bump your head or feet,
  • Top Firmness Adjusters for a firmer sleeping surface, 
  • Functional 15" height, fits smaller tents with space below for storage, 
  • Handy Carry/Storage Pouch.

ROLL-A-COT® IS COMPACT: The cot folds in half and rolls-up to fit inside its own carry case/gear pouch. At only 12 lbs, the LW79" Roll-A-Cot® stores and carries easily!


  • The aluminum frame is constructed with 1.5" diameter aluminum slider tubes, 1.25" diameter aluminum rails and 1" diameter leg-frames that are internally reinforced at all stress points including hinges and rail connections.  
  • The fabric is a made with heavy duty 1000 denier polyester yarn that is  individually coated with PVC, then the yarn is woven into fabric and then heat-set for strength and long life.   This blue mesh is our trademark for the best river-running cot ever made and has that instant drying characteristic with just a quick shaking motion.  
  • All hardware is grade 5 steel (hardened alloy steel) and Camp Time® manufacturers all its products in Spokane Valley WA USA.

SPECIFICATIONS: Set-up size- 79"x32"x15", Rolled-up size- 40"x5"diameter, 250 lb capacity, 12 lbs total weight, Royal Blue Mesh fabric and aluminum legs. Patent #5109556

Fitment specs for Long-Wide Roll-a-Cot® "RC79" to fit your Van, PU, Raft :  All four side-rail mounting holes are located 12" from their closest side-rail end.  Each pair of side-rail mounting holes (on same side-rail) are located 53" apart from each other.  Leg tips touch ground near 32" apart.  Contact regarding adjustments that may be possible at extra charge.

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